Tonight's challenge was just that...a challenge. The ingredients were interesting and, at first thought, daunting. However, as I started pulling items out of the fridge, the idea of a savory Napoleon came to mind. And creme? Creme fraiche, of course! Great ingredient suggestion!
I started frying the first ingredient,
bacon. As the bacon cooled enough to handle, I started slicing it into 1/2 sized pieces and then sliced them into three vertical slices. I reserved an extra couple pieces and cut them into narrow slices.
I did have to make one substitution with the second ingredient suggested--baby bok choy. I really like cooking with bok choy, but the fridge had none.
However, I did have
red cabbage. That would have to do. I sliced the cabbage into bite-sized pieces and sauted in bacon drippings. I let the cabbage cook slowly, covered with a lid, to maintain color and flavor while softening.
The third ingredient,
gelatin, was prepared in the usual manner. I let it set and cool a bit before putting it to work.
The fourth ingredient,
mushrooms, were sliced and sauted in the drippings from the bacon. I added the gelatin in order to thicken the moisture coming from the mushrooms, making them more flavorful.
The fifth ingredient,
cream, came in the form of
whipping cream from the fridge. I whipped it into stiff peaks and then sprinkled with some herbs de provence.
The finished product is below. I stacked the bacon, then the red cabbage, then the mushrooms, then the creme fraiche...a savory Napoleon to enjoy.
the gelatin